Human Trafficking

Human trafficking touches every corner of the globe, including our state and local communities. This multi-billion-dollar criminal enterprise is considered the fastest-growing illegal industry in the world. Human trafficking involves both commercial sexual exploitation and labor servitude, and the average victim is a 6th to 8th grade girl. 

Human Trafficking Prosecution Unit

In 2019, with the support of Governor Brian Kemp, First Lady Marty Kemp and leaders in the Georgia General Assembly, Attorney General Chris Carr created the first-of-its-kind statewide Human Trafficking Prosecution Unit. Complete with dedicated prosecutors, investigators, analysts, a victim advocate and paralegal, this specialized Unit works with local, state, and federal law enforcement to arrest and prosecute offenders and rescue victims of sex trafficking.

Since its creation in 2019, the Attorney General’s Human Trafficking Prosecution Unit has secured 54 convictions, led or assisted more than 330 case investigations, and rescued and assisted nearly 200 children.

Education and Awareness

For a comprehensive overview of human trafficking, Georgians are encouraged to take part in Georgia First Lady Marty Kemp's Human Trafficking Awareness Training. Members of the public should also familiarize themselves with the red flags of human trafficking

Contact the Human Trafficking Hotline

  • To report suspected human trafficking in Georgia, call the Statewide 24-Hour Human Trafficking Hotline at (866) 363-4842.
  • If you have reason to believe that a victim is in imminent danger, call 911 or your local law enforcement agency to file a report. 
  • For more information on how to get help for both national and foreign-born victims of human trafficking, visit

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