December 08, 2011
Long County Woman Pleads Guilty to Forging State Health Insurance Eligibility Form
Marla Reddish entered a guilty plea yesterday in Fulton County Superior Court to one count of forgery in the first degree for forging her ex-husband’s signature. The indictment charged that Reddish forged a signature required on an eligibility form for state health insurance.
Judge Walter Lovett sentenced Reddish, under the First Offender Act, to three years probation, restitution in the amount of $4,340.00 to the Division of Family and Children Services in Long County and a $1,000 fine. Charges are currently pending against Reddish in Long County, but will be dismissed if restitution is paid within one year.
Assistant Attorney General Greg Lohmeier prosecuted the case on behalf of the State of Georgia.